Sunday, March 6, 2011

Challenge For Week Two

When blogging, it's important to give your readers a sense of who you are and where you come from. It is also important to keep your identity safe. This week's challenge involves just that. From blog posts to widgets and photographs to video, there are many ways to help your viewers get a better view of you.

Activity 1: Add a widget or two to your blog. A widget is a small application that can be installed within a webpage.
Widget Box-
Widget Box has many widgets that allow you to place items like clocks, translators, the weather, or the current news on your blog.
ClustrMaps allow a blogger to track the number of visitors to their blog and also identifies where in the world they are visiting from.
Shelfari is a really cool widget allowing a blogger to post books they have read or are currently reading.

To add a widget to your sidebar, copy and paste the embed code into a text box on your sidebar. Save then close.
If the widget is too wide, adjust the ‘width number’ in the embed code which may appear more than once within the code.
Note: If using Blogger, go to Design and Add a Gadget. Then insert the code into a text box.
If using Class Blogmeister, login and go to "Control Panel." Under the paragraph you wrote for "About You," hit return and then paste in the copied embedded code. For each additional widget, paste in under the first, making sure to hit return after each one to keep the code separate.

Activity 2: 7 Random Facts-Thanks to Huzzah for this idea. As we begin to use blogging with our students, it is very important we teach them blogging safety. Follow the Huzzah link and read this blog post. Then, create your own post with 7 Random Facts about yourself. As you brainstorm, try to include a wide variety of facts that close friends and family would know about you, but that doesn't give away personal information about you.

Activity 3: Use the "2011 FMS Blog Challenge" list below the red clock to read other teacher's random facts. Leave a comment on at least two fellow teacher's blog post about their seven random facts.

Original Image: Its Future is in Our Hands
by: Louise Docker


Mrs. Gary's Class Blog said...

Seriously spent about 35 minutes figuring out how to comment on someone's post because I had to register for an account in order to post. Either I'm an idiot or there's some crazy glitch about commenting on people's blogs. Oh Gosh....what if I'm an idiot!

Melinda Sprinkle said...

You are not an idiot. I will have to review this. I think it might be more glitch. You are too funny, Mrs. Gary! Way to go though. Now you can post comments with ease. I will work on the glitch though. :)

Melinda Sprinkle said...

Ok-Mrs. Gary. In the 'choose an identity,' just mark 'Name/URL.' Then you can just type your name. You can add the web address of your blog if you want to, but that's not a must. That's what I did this time. Even though I have a gmail account. You could also click on 'anonymous,' but we want to know who you are. :) Try that next time and see if it works for ya!